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Seagate Barracuda ES.2    
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Seagate Barracuda ES.2

Midline 3Gbps SATA II Disk Drive for entry level servers and SANs.

Seagate ST31000340NS Seagate ST3750330NS SATA Connector
Seagate ST3500320NS PCB Printed Circuit Board

SN06 Firmware Update
When buying an ST31000340NS, ST3750330NS, or ST3500320NS disk drive, be sure to request units with SN06 or later firmware. Early firmware revisions had a problem where SMART counters would exceed a Seagate defined threshold upon startup. The drive would then lock into a BSY state where data would be protected, but be inaccessible except by a trained data recovery professional. Note this is not a SMART TRIP, but rather, an event counter overflow.

Avoid New Bulk and New Pulls
The Seagate Barracuda ES.2 was released in 2008 and production ran until the end of 2010. The series was replaced by the Seagate Constellation ES. Beware of merchants selling ST31000340NS, ST3750330NS, or ST3500320NS drives as "new bulk" or "new pulls." When buying any SATA drive that is not factory sealed, be sure to ask the vendor about the drive SMART statistics. Observe all the failure points monitored by SMART in the image below. The drive we tested was advertised as "new bulk" when, clearly, it has been used extensively.

ST31000340NS Failed SMART
  • New drives should have 0 reallocated sectors ("Grown Defects.")
  • New drives should have under 10 Power On Hours (though not necessarily 0.)
  • Any uncorrectable error is a sign of a failing drive. On Seagate disk drives, it is normal to see high seek error rates as the "raw value" is not an actual counter of errors. On any drive, ECC corrected errors are perfectly normal.

What to expect from an iStorage Networks Disk Drive
iStorage Networks verifies that every drive we ship is either new (as identified by the number of power on hours being less than 5) or being a qualified refurbished unit. All our drives will ship with the latest firmware revision and will never have any reallocated sectors (aka grown defects) or sectors pending reallocation. Grown defects are the number one indicator of a failing disk drive (see a great Google case study here.)

iStorage Networks will never ship a disk drive with any SMART parameter out of Seagate specification.

ST31000340NS SMART Pass
  • Most of our drives have under 100 power on hours.

  • A good drive (whether new or refurbished) should have 0 sectors pending reallocation.
  • ECC errors are normal. Unrecoverable errors should be 0.